Mt. Talinis Part 2: We’re Going Down!


The still recovering Lake Nailig. Given how much it rained the day before and the morning I took this, it probably is very different now that two weeks have passed. (ISO100 16mm f/8.0 1/40sec)

Continuing from my last post, My First Taste of Mt. Talinis Part 1. It is, unfortunately for us, not all going down from here. To the non-climbers, many–if not most–climbers tend to prefer descents to climbs — so long as it’s not too steep — as it puts less strain on your heart and lungs. The legs, however, tend to get a beating, especially with the descent we took from Lake Nailig to Casaroro Falls. Anyway, here is how our day went….

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My First Taste of Mt. Talinis Part 1


Misty Lake on the Mountains High. This is a shot of the shores of Lake Nailig, one of many crater lakes on Mt. Talinis. (ISO100 25mm f/5.6 1/20sec)

Mt. Talinis, I’ve heard so much about it. I remember in my last job where I got asked if I’ve climbed this mountain when a co-worker found out that I do mountain climbing. I haven’t, I just never found the time.Well, now I have. This is my journey as told through my lens.

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